Welcome to Meals in the Mail

A celebration of food, storytelling and friendship… in letters

Meals in the Mail is, quite simply, a celebration of seasonal food, friendship, community, and the joys of connecting through the old-fashioned art of letter-writing.

Two things that have connected human beings with their loved ones, for hundreds of years, are handwritten missives, and home-cooked food. Meals in the Mail asks the question, “What if we combined the two of them?” and invites home cooks and kitchen gardeners all over the world to provide the answer, by posting us their favourite recipes and stories.

We are Melanie Hall and Naomi Bulger, two friends who share a love for food, storytelling and letter-writing. We cook, we write, we grow, we eat, we laugh. We hope you will join us.

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Hundreds of handwritten letters, each containing an heirloom recipe and a personal story. We open them, cook them, and read the stories. For lovers of food, storytelling, and the way old-fashioned snail-mail connects us, across oceans and through time.


I’m a writer, illustrator, and communications coach. My goal is to lead a life that is slow, creative and personal; in a world that can all-too-often feel frantic, mainstream and remote. Let's call that goal a work in progress.